Wait, that's not all from Apple! Tuaw took a look at the improvements in iWeb 06, and they sound good, but still leave much to be desired. That seems to be a common theme for Apple though: just incremental improvements until the big releases. The Discovery Channel has added some programming to iTunes, but I'm not a big Discovery watcher. I'm sure at least one of you is. Shifting gears to Google, they've opened a new office in Sydney, and it looks almost as neat as their Palo Alto office. They've also opened the beta to their Google Notebook service, so I'll be trying that out and will let you all know how it is. Yahoo has totally redesigned their homepage, and thank God they didn't decide to just copy Google like everyone else has. It won't officially take effect until the Fall, but it is about time they update it. Lastly, Firefox has continued to gain ground as it gained almost as much usage as IE has lost popularity since January. Now we must wait and see if the release of Firefox 2.0 gives them a boost at all.

You cannot tell me that you don't like that Superman Returns poster, because it really is pretty neat. I'll admit, it looks a little CG, but what a nice shot. The Da Vinci Code will be out this weekend, but guess what? The reviews aren't so great! So far, in fact, it's dead rotten. Don't know what to make of all this, but of course Sony is still keeping the publicity machine running with the cast's grand entrance at Cannes, and some exclusive clips over at Yahoo Movies. Fantastic Four 2 has bumped itself up to a June 2007 release, presumably because the studio is afraid of the release of Transformers on July 4. That was probably a good choice for them since two big-budget movies from the same genre on the same weekend would just clash. Bryan Singer may be removing himself as director of Logan's Run should Superman Returns do well enough to warrant a sequel, as I'm sure it will. He'll probably still help out in a less time-intensive role, but this just goes to show how committed he is to Superman, and that probably bodes good things for the movie. Lastly, there's a new trailer for Santa Clause 3 (only for IE 6 users, I'm afraid), and it looks pretty bad. Martin Short must be getting desperate to have agreed to this one!
I'm going to kick it up a notch this week and go for some TMI Tuesday:
Note beforehand that I'm pretty inexperienced at this stuff, so don't take my answers to be advice for your life or anything like that.
1. Can you be in love with someone you don't trust?
No way! That would not work at all. I don't care how hot she is, that's an unacceptable turnoff.
2. If someone shoves you up against a wall while kissing you, your reaction is?
Neato. =P or, more likely: Really, God? Have I been that good lately?
3. Would you rather have a partner who has been around the block or a virgin?
Definitely a virgin. Don't comment and say, "yeah, right," because I'd probably be worried that I couldn't compare if I was with someone experienced, and I'm probably more geared towards waiting than rushing into things.
4. On a scale from 1-10, how controlling are you?
Probably a 7 or so. Sorry, that's just the way I was built! I try not to be, but being an officer in a couple of clubs and having to manage affairs at my apartment has certain side effects.
5. The old Dear Abby question... if you had to pick between kissing/affection/cuddling or sex/sexual touching and could only have one for the rest of your life, which would you pick?
Oh, that's so cruel! I'm going to go with the first one, but don't set it in stone or anything! I'm just a closet romantic like that.
1 comment:
Closet romantics unite!
DaVinci Code is already all over internet. Poor quality mind you. I didn't go see it. And I didn't download it.
Although it's faisable.
the laptop sounds nice. I'm still with my old celeron 1ghz laptop. I'm still scared to switch to apple. no vendors around here...
Oh, well. Good day!
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