Guess what? It's over! Not just E3, but my spring semester! I'm bouncing off the walls with excitement because I've been waiting for this day for so very long. It was a harsh semester, and I enjoyed my CS classes while despising Physics.

More on this in Sunday's post though, I'd better get to wrapping up this crazy week of E3 madness. I saw this image to the right at Joystiq, and I think it's
quite fitting. Kutaragi actually publicly stated that his PS3 "
is too cheap." While I agree that they're still going to incur big losses with each PS3 sold, I just don't think it's good PR to say that. Everywhere you turn now, you see
articles like this chastising the PS3, which seemed to be the hero at last year's E3 while the Nintendo "Revolution" was the weakest link. Oh how quickly the tables
have turned. In fact, Hideo Kojima (one of the best video game producers) even wishes he
could stop working on Metal Gear Solid games to try out some Wii stuff, and he initiated the idea of putting Solid Snake in Super Smash Brothers. Oh, by the way,
Metal Gear Solid 4 will be online with more functionality then in Subsistence. Back to the Wii though, even CNet seems to have
taken a shine to it. I think that the mixed reviews from others will waver less when finishing touches are done.
Satoru Iwata revealed in a newspaper interview that the Wii's pricing will be disclosed soon enough, and the console is schedule to release in the last quarter of this year. One last thing, if you want to get a taste of what goes into an E3 demo, you should read about
how Bungie prepared their Halo 3 trailer. Well, that's it for E3 this year. I'm sure I've missed some things here and there, but I like to think that I've directed you to some of the most important stuff.
Despite all the E3 stuff going on, I managed to dig up a few normal news items (though there really wasn't a whole lot out there). I've brought it up before, and I'll bring it up again, IE
is really hurting Microsoft, and I don't understand why they cling to it so much. They think the world runs on their software alone, and that's really irresponsible and way too arrogant. If an advertiser using Firefox can't sign up for Microsoft AdCenter, I'll give you one guess as to where they'll turn instead. To top it off, the Justice Department is
seeking to extend their antitrust deal by another two years, which means that they'd have to help out the little guys even longer. I don't think that's so bad. Oh, and Steve Ballmer, per usual, doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and was basically
mocking Google's demands to the press. They already had people on their side in this battle, he didn't need to employ sarcasm. Lastly, almost half of all mp3 players in people's hands
are iPods. That's actually not too bad; at least the little manufacturers aren't getting straight up dominated.

Does that
new poster from
Lady in the Water look a little creepy to anyone else? That may be on purpose given how different the new trailer is from what most people were expecting. Then again,
The Village trailer was much more intense than the movie. Speaking of trailers though, we finally have
a real one for
Miami Vice, and while I still think it'll be good, this trailer was targeted way too narrowly at teens who buy these corny one-liners. There's also
a trailer for
Gridiron Gang, the new movie featuring The Rock and Xzibit in roles I don't think either of them were really meant to play. George Lucas
has told MTV that the script for
Indiana Jones 4 is done and different from your normal action movie, which we can only assume means that it's about more than just flashy special effects and pretty actors. Sounds good to me, as long as the movie happens before Harrison Ford becomes a senior citizen. Lastly, we have
more X3 images (they never stop coming, do they?).
Dell still has that 7 minute preview from the movie (though they're not publicizing it very well). See if you can spot the product placement in the clip.
Now for
Friday's Feast:
What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?Cookies N Cream! I've just always been a fan of Oreos, so when you stick them in vanilla ice cream it's called rocking my world.
What are 3 things you would like to put in a time capsule?My transcript, the last ACL lineup, and probably the sheet music for "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You".
Name something you are 100% sure of.My spring semester is over and I'm now a junior. Yippee!
Main Course
What is something you do to calm yourself when you're stressed or upset?Pump up the jams. Mostly something fun like Coldplay or No Doubt.
If you could receive an invitation to any important event, what would you like it to be?A wedding. Those are usually a lot of fun, and probably a good place to pick up chicks. I haven't been to one since puberty though, so I really wouldn't know. My brother is getting hitched this fall though, so it's go time!
Wish me luck on my packing tonight and moving tomorrow! See you all Sunday night!
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