Friday, January 07, 2005

Reality TV Bites

"Aww, the deep south? Isn't that where all the black guys are lazy and the white guys are just as lazy but they're mad at all the black guys for being so lazy?" - Peter

My current place in history class (start of Civil War) reminded me of that Family Guy quote. Anyway, moving on: anyone else developing an actual hatred for reality tv? Like I've said before, I only watch tv on these breaks when I'm back in Houston and it's like the number of reality shows since the summer has increased three-fold! And they all blow! Last Comic Standing was good the first season, and The Apprentice was alright, but what's with Missy Eliot getting her own reality show?! The Osbournes have really gone off the deep end with that crappy Ozzfest thing. I'm tired of these commercials with clips of melodramatic moments! This stuff is NOT real people! Reality show contracts don't necessitate reality. The editors can do whatever the Hell they want with the material they shoot. Why do people enjoy watching this stuff? It's the ratings that fund more of this crap so it is the fault of stupid people. I do enjoy a few dating shows though, like Wanna Come In? and Room Raiders (not the corny stuff like Blind Date). I like seeing duds just totally screw up dates with ridiculously hot women in the first show and in the latter I just like seeing the weird stuff people have in their rooms. Call it a guilty pleasure *shrugs*.

Now a few miscellaneous things. All you body builders out there should read this article about nutrient timing, because it clears up common misconceptions about what you should eat. The lovely Kate Bosworth has been cast as Louis Lane in the new Superman Returns movie! For those of you who don't know, there aren't a lot of details but the movie is currently in pre-production and is being directed by Bryan Singer, who many of you have heard of because of the X-men movies.

And now, the Friday Five meme:

1. What is the first book you remember reading?
The first book I can remember reading all on my own is James and the Giant Peach. It started my love of Roald Dahl books! The only other books I can think of were read to me.

2. What is your favorite book?
Easy, Catcher in the Rye! It was the first book I read that really changed the way I saw everything and that I enjoyed reading as much as watching a movie. Great writing style and funny stuff interspersed within heavy themes.

3. Who is your favorite author?
I'd have to say Stephen King right now. I just started getting into his books last year and I'm quite impressed. He has a really great way of pulling his readers into these tales that even seem logical! Like Carrie may sound dumb, but the book makes everything so real and believeable!

4. Pick up the nearest book (magazine or any available printed material will do). Turn to page 24 (or the closest to it). Go to the 7th line. What is it?
"As expected, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas raced to the top of the sales chart--past Mortal Kombat:" - GamePro, February 2005

5. If you could be any character in literature, who would you be?
That is a tough question. Maybe Aeneas in the Aeneid? It sounds cool to help found Rome and be the last remaining Trojan from the Trojan war. Plus he was totally pimping Queen Dido.

Feel free to comment your own answers if you'd like. You can check out some really cool other responses here.